Is your personal growht bound by golden handcuffs

Is your personal growth bound by golden handcuffs

Is your personal growth bound by golden handcuffs? If so you are giving up becoming the best version of you for a steady paycheck in a job you dislike. Many people never make the escape from employee to entrepreneur because the golden handcuffs (a steady paycheck in a job they dislike) has made them feel comfortable. They bound themselves from experiencing more – because they fear jumping out of their comfort zone to do what it takes to design a life and business they love.

For many years I always felt that my career was meaningful, so I put all my eggs in that one basket. But over time that became a big mistake for my personal growth and development. And over time, that became my number one chokehold preventing me from creating the income, lifestyle and freedom I wanted. My job provided just enough financial resources and benefits to stop me from going out and fully exploring my true potential in business. Hence, the golden handcuffs that kept me chained to my job.

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How personal chokeholds strangle your success

How personal chokeholds strangle your success

How personal chokeholds strangle your success. A personal chokehold is like having a stranglehold around your neck, but it’s psychological vs. physical. Even so, it has the same power and negative consequences as someone physically grabbing you around your neck, choking you, holding you and preventing you from moving.

The psychological chokeholds we put on ourselves paralyzes and prevents forward momentum. Chokeholds are limiting beliefs that create fear – the fear of failure, fear of success, fear of the unknown, fear of ridicule, fear of making a mistake, fear of looking stupid and so many more.

When caught in a chokehold, people sit on the fence of (in)decision. They choose to do nothing vs. taking responsibility, harnessing courage and taking action. Of course, waiting for the perfect moment means waiting for never.

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How to unleash your entrepreneurial potential

How to unleash your entrepreneurial potential

Learning how to unleash your entrepreneurial potential is key to designing the life & business you love. Awaken to the possibilities of experiencing more in your life. Then shake up and shake off your chokeholds, fears and limiting beliefs holding you back from unleashing your entrepreneurial potential and creating the income, lifestyle and freedom you want.

But most people never will unleash their entrepreneurial potential and start a business of their dreams. That’s because they fear making a change is too risky… a fact proven by more than 53% of North Americans who have seriously considered breaking free from their job with their own business but give into personal chokeholds. They take the easy route of blaming circumstances and others due to fear and limiting beliefs.

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Are you an average Joe or abundance Joe?

Are you an average Joe or abundance Joe?

Are you an average Joe or abundance Joe? If you want to create more abundance in your life, you will have to think and act differently. Abundance does not come to you, you have to go get it.

According to survey data from ThermaSoft, for the average North American’s picture of success is about $150,000 in annual income, a spouse, a couple of kids, a ten-minute commute, and a generous amount of vacation time.

In the eyes of the average Joe, I was successful. But deep down, I was unsettled, I was unfulfilled and wanted more abundance. I was grateful for what I had achieved in my career, but I was dying inside. I wanted to wake up with excitement early in the morning, and go to bed late with enthusiasm again. I knew there was more for me to do, experience and become.

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Turn life lemons into lemonade

How to turn life lemons into lemonade

Turn life lemons into lemonade and you will forever design the life you love. Doing it takes patience, persistence and positivity to find new dreams, passion and purpose. In this blog, I share a personal story of my son Shae Howorko, who was destined to live his passion for professional hockey, but one freak accident shattered that dream forever. Shae did come out of his life changing personal crisis, and is now again pursuing a new dream by helping others.  The lesson to be learned is that if life gives you lemons, just make lemonade. Don’t give up on finding your purpose and what drives you. If one door shuts, just open another one. If you keep plugging forward and focus on becoming the best version of you, you will eventually turn those life lemons into lemonade. It’s that simple.

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2 sacrifices in building your dream business

Two sacrifices in building your dream business

The top two sacrifices in building your dream business are critical to designing the life you love. Success requires short term pain for long term gain. If you want to create the income, lifestyle and freedom you want, you must make sacrifices. When you take the jump to build your dream business… in the beginning you will work harder than you ever have. Your life will feel out of balance and a little chaotic. But don’t worry, building a side hustle of your dreams while working full time and looking after your family responsibilities does get easier. Sometimes you have to make a mess to clean up a mess. But believe it does get better.

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Your purpose in life is to find your purpose

Your purpose in life is to find your purpose

Your purpose in life is to find your purpose. The biggest barrier for people in finding their purpose, their best life, is that they are stuck on autopilot – spinning their wheels in a dead-end job, in a mundane life, and going nowhere fast. Spinning your wheels fast on one spot for too long will get you stuck in a rut you can’t get out of. You lose the ability to know what you want, and the confidence to act even if you did know. In essence, many people fall asleep at the wheel of their own life.

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How to think big and become a freedom-preneur

How to think BIG and become a freedom-preneur

Learning how to think Big and become a freedom-preneur is critical to experiencing more in life. To design a life and business you love, you must think big. The thinking that got me to where I was in my mediocre life, would not get me where I wanted to go – creating the income, lifestyle and freedom I wanted. So I decided I would not settle for just being good; instead, I choose to be more and live great – and I started to think BIG – what a great life would look like.

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Become a gladiator and start your passion business

Become a gladiator and start your passion business

Become a gladiator and start your passion business and experience the ultimate life you were meant to live. I promised myself I wasn’t going to be defeated by my negative thoughts (fear and limiting beliefs) when it came to starting my passion business. If my dreams were going to fail, they’d have to fail out in the world, not in my head. I asked myself – What’s the worst that could happen when I chase my dreams? I fail? Someone tells me I’m not good enough or smart enough or I’m doing it wrong? Those are bad, but the real horror would be to accept my socially prescribed fate, to sacrifice my happiness eight hours at a time, in exchange for a lousy certainty in a job that didn’t fulfill me.

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How to unleash motivation using pain and urgency

How to unleash motivation using pain and urgency

Learning how to unleash motivation using pain and urgency was a critical skill in helping me plan my escape from employee to entrepreneur… and design the life and business I love.

Instead of complaining about how unhappy I was with my career… I used this negative emotion as fuel for motivation to create change. It’s at the intersection of pain and urgency where motivation to change – to go for what your want is accelerated.  Instead of giving up on a great life, I learned to motivate myself from the pain of waking up each day with regret – from not being able to live with myself as a chicken-shit by not taking a chance on living my passion… knowing I had so much unrealized potential and experience left on the table of life.  My motivation also came from the feeling of urgency that my life could not continue like it was, because as a middle-aged man, I was running out of time.

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