Your wake up call: embrace the life you deserve or stay asleep, stuck at the wheel of your own life and living in complete mediocrity. In a world that seems to be on autopilot, it’s easy to settle into a life that’s less than what we dream of. But what if you could wake up tomorrow and start leading your life, living a life filled with passion, purpose, and success? This isn’t just a fantasy—it’s a possibility that starts with your personal wake-up call.
There are 5 Invisible Barriers to Growth… preventing you from becoming more centered, more happy, more successful, more able to feel the day and sense joy, awe, and fulfillment! In our quest for a happier, more centered, and successful life, we often find ourselves paralyzed at a standstill, wondering, “What’s holding me back?” Identifying these obstacles (which of the 5 barriers is preventing your growth) is the first step towards unleashing our full potential and designing the life we love. Read more to learn the 5 key things that hold people back from living their best life and what actions you can take today to make a change to become the best version of you and experience more life.
I’ve made it my personal mission to study and become an authority in the subject matter… “What Stops Us From Moving Forward”?
I’ve always felt there had to be something more out there for me – something better, that comes from living with purpose, on your own terms, and achieving financial freedom. The problem was I had been conditioned from the start at a young age – to set my alarm clock and force myself out of bed; to sit in traffic; commit to a job that doesn’t use my true gifts and talents. Being stuck in a stuffy office all day long… saying “yes boss”, “no boss.” Putting in all my efforts to make someone else rich. And coming home exhausted; and finding my self living paycheck to paycheck. Shockingly, most of us do this every single day. So, what is stopping us from moving forward?
3 simple strategies to beat the COVID-19 crisis will better position you to design a life and business you love when things start to get back to normal. So, is your best life worth fighting for? If YES… you must be prepared to learn and take action on the 3 strategies that will create the income, lifestyle and freedom you want. Read below to find out more about these strategies.
I know that these are scary times for you, your family, and all of humanity, for that matter. For those of you that have been following me for a while, you know that one thing I focus on a great deal is mindset.
The simple truth is we cannot control the world around us. The only thing we have 100% control over is how we deal with the circumstances we find ourselves in.
So today, I want to share 3 simple strategies on how I am physically, mentally, emotionally and financially dealing with the Coronavirus. They are: (1) focus on health, (2) focus on self, (3) focus on wealth.
Would you eat a bowl of live crickets for $10,000? – is a stupid but crucial question, because how you answer it will help determine the level of success you have in your life right now.
If you answered YES, it is because you have not yet unleashed your inner entrepreneur. You are likely not living your passion, lack confidence in your future direction, and have a scarcity mindset as opposed to one of abundance. As a result, you’re limited when it comes to creating the income, lifestyle, and freedom you want. And eating the bowl of crickets for $10K is something you need to do out of desperation. Especially in the crazy times of the COVID-19 crisis.
So where are you in your life right now? Would you eat the bowl of crickets for $10K?
Success is like growing a bamboo tree. That’s because success is a gradual process. It requires tremendous patience, persistence and positivity; and so does growing a bamboo tree. But most people lack these three critical characteristics for success… and because of that, they quit even before they really get started.
You’ve likely heard the famous quote, “SHOW ME THE MONEY!” from the hit movie Gerry McGuire. This phrase and the mindset that comes with it continues to be adopted more and more to this day. That’s because we live in an instant gratification society – people feel entitled and expect faster results and success even when they have not done anything to earn them.
To break into your best life and create the income, lifestyle and freedom you want, you must understand that progress takes effort and time. Success is a gradual process; nothing happens overnight without a lot of preparation, hard work and commitment.
Learning how to live your perfect day – every day, starts with writing down what you want, visualizing it with strong emotion, and taking massive action until you live it. Every happy and successful person I know has gone through a personal wake-up call (understand what they really want in life), shaken off chokeholds (fears and limiting beliefs holding them back), and baked up (got fired up with emotion – strong reasons why) to take the action necessary to live the life they love.
You can’t wish your way out of mediocrity. It takes dedicated focus and work. You must write down what you want on paper, visualize it in your mind with fiery emotion, and manifest it by taking action and adjusting your actions until you get what you want. There is a great saying, “Anything your mind can conceive, and your heart can believe, you can achieve.”
The 5 things leaders do every day to win in business are critical if you want to design the life you love. Find time, schedule, and take action every day to achieve your goals. There is an unwritten rule called the 80/20 Rule, or the Pareto Principle, that states 20% of your daily activities will give you 80% of your results. The key is to focus on the critical tasks that will provide you with the maximum results in designing life and business you love.
If you want to fail, keep focusing on the 80% – the many busy, wasteful activities that take up your time. But, if you want to succeed at creating the income, lifestyle and freedom you want, then make sure to focus on the 20% – the 5 things leaders do every day to win in business.
Kick-start your heart and become alive involves picking a rock song that gives you passion and courage to jump outside your comfort zone and experience more. We all need a song that motivates us to be our best and sing it every day. Doing so will put you in an emotional and physical state that ensures you make the right decisions and take the actions necessary to design the life and business you love.
It was a few years ago when I first started thinking about a rock song that represented the person I needed to become and the life I wanted to live. I wanted a song that really motivated me and would push me to experience more. I can vividly play that day back in my mind, feeling the relentless and overwhelming need to accelerate my actions to create the income, lifestyle and freedom I wanted.
“I am the master of my fate. I am the captain of my soul.” – William Ernest Henley, poet, critic and editor